Excess moisture in a home causes problems and health concerns. Water damage can lead to structural concerns and pest infestation. Moisture promotes mold and mildew growth, which can cause allergy-like symptoms in your family members. Humidity refers to moisture in the air, which causes these problems. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce humidity in the home.

Hang Wet Clothes in a Well-Ventilated Place

A common source of humidity is damp towels or clothing hanging to dry inside the house. As the clothing dries, moisture evaporates into the air and contributes to high humidity indoors. Hang clothes to dry or toss them in the clothes dryer. If possible, hang them outside on a clothesline out of the sun. Otherwise, put damp clothing on a rack, near an open window.

Avoid Over-Watering Plants

While plants are great home decorations, they can contribute to humidity inside. Learn about moisture requirements for each of your houseplants. Water them as recommended and be careful that you don’t overwater as this can lead to mold growth. Water that sits in a saucer or drainage tray will also contribute to higher humidity in your home.

Air Circulation in the Home is Important to Reduce Humidity

Good airflow helps reduce moisture indoors by promoting evaporation. When the weather is nice, open the windows to allow a cross-breeze. Use fans in the windows and turn on ceiling fans to boost air circulation.

Use Exhaust Fans

If you have ventilation fans in your kitchen and bathrooms, use them when cooking and bathing. Turn the fan on when you begin cooking or while running a bath. Leave them on for 15-20 minutes after you finish to help dry the area. These fans are designed to control humidity by pulling moist air out of the home.

Why it’s Important to Reduce Humidity in the Home

Excessive humidity causes damage to your property, mold growth, and respiratory problems. In some cases, the moisture in the air will condense and settle on floors or countertops. Slippery flooring may lead to injuries. Existing issues with your home can get worse if moisture remains a problem. Reducing humidity will improve your comfort and quality of life and help protect your home and family.

Premier Home & Building Inspections provides home inspections to Eastern Connecticut, Massachusetts, and all of Rhode Island. Contact us to request our services.