Heating Your Home While Saving Money

Staying cozy and warm while saving energy can be a challenging task for homeowners. Finding ways to heat your home efficiently is an important goal when preparing your home for winter. The tips below will help you heat your living spaces, keep your family comfortable, and save money on utility bills.

Heat Your Home Efficiently with a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is designed to automatically adjust the warmth of your home at different times of the day. Program the temperature to be higher in the mornings and evenings and lower when you’re away from the house or asleep.

Some thermostats can be paired with a smartphone app, making it easy to operate them even when you’re away from home. This is an effective way to keep your living spaces comfortable and lower the monthly heating bills.

Keep Your Curtains Closed and Windows and Doors Sealed

Keep the blinds open while the sun is out and radiant heat will warm your home. Close them in the evening to add another layer of insulation. Curtains that reach the floor provide the most protection against heat loss.

Simple steps like sealing gaps and cracks around windows and doors will prevent heat from escaping and keep your home warmer throughout the day. Seal the gap beneath the door by installing a door sweep.

Keep Your Vents Clear to Heat Your Home Efficiently

Heat your home by keeping your furniture away from vents. Furniture will slow the circulation of heated air into the house. A blocked vent or radiator disrupts the flow of heat in the system by causing pressure imbalance in the room. This wastes money and contributes to cold rooms.

Vacuum dust from the air vents to improve their performance and leave all the vents open to allow warm air to circulate freely.

Use Ceiling Fans

Use ceiling fans to heat your home more efficiently by setting them to rotate in a clockwise direction. Warm air rises but you can use the ceiling fan to push heated air down into the room. The heating system won’t have to work as hard to warm the space and this translates to money saved on utilities.

Regularly Change the HVAC Filters

Over time, the HVAC system filter will become clogged with dust, mold, pollen, and pet dander. A dirty filter reduces the efficiency of your unit by making the system work harder to push air through.

Dirty filters negatively affect air quality and slow the circulation of heated air, making it harder to keep your house warm. This results in more energy used and higher utility bills. Change your filters regularly to improve air quality and energy efficiency.

The tips above will help you achieve more efficient and lower-cost heating. You can stay warm and comfortable during the colder months of the year without spending a fortune.

Premier Home & Building Inspections offers home inspection services to customers in Eastern Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Contact us to request an appointment.