As colder weather arrives, you have a few chores ahead of you to get the house ready for winter. Be ready for rising heating bills, storm and ice damage, and the possibility of frozen pipes. The tips below will help you be ready for the changing of the seasons by making your house warm and comfortable. Here are a few things to do to prepare your home for winter.

Change the HVAC filters to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Your heating system has probably been idle for a while and has accumulated dust and dirt during this time. Dirty filters drive up energy bills, reduce the unit’s performance, and affect indoor air quality. Replace or clean your HVAC filters as part of your winter preparation efforts.

Inspect the Heating System

Your home’s heating system needs to work efficiently throughout the winter season. Schedule an annual maintenance and tune-up service for your HVAC unit. The technician will repair and replace worn out parts. This is also the time to test the heating system to make sure it’s working well before the temperatures drop.

Clean and Repair the Gutters

Get your home ready for winter by cleaning your gutters and downspouts. Clogged gutters cause water to back up and overflow. The overflow can run down your home and damage the exterior. It may also lead to landscaping problems and the deterioration of your home’s foundation.

Drain the Outdoor Faucets and Sprinklers

You aren’t going to need your sprinkler system during the winter season. Rather than dealing with burst pipes, garden hoses, and sprinklers, decommission them before cold weather arrives. Disconnect and drain the garden hoses and store them indoors during winter. Drain the sprinkler system and outdoor faucets and turn off the water supply to these outlets.

Insulate the Windows to Prepare Your Home For Winter

Especially if your windows are older, insulate them to prevent heat loss. Install weatherstripping that allows easy opening and closing of the windows. Rope caulk is ideal for filling gaps and cracks to prevent air leaks around the window. Invest in storm windows to replace the window screens in your home.

To further manage the temperature inside your home, hang heavier, thermal drapes when the weather starts to cool. Open the drapes to allow the sun in during the day and close them at night to better insulate the room.

Prepare the Roof for Winter

Although commonly overlooked, the roofing system is one of the most critical structures of your house. Call a roofing contractor to inspect the condition of the roof and determine if it’s in good enough shape to take you through the winter season. Replace any missing, curled, and damaged roof shingles that could lead to water and ice damage. Faulty flashing is often a source of leaks, so be sure to replace damaged or rusted flashing.

Premier Home & Building Inspections offers home inspection services to customers in Eastern Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Contact us to request an appointment.